
Why YOU isnt Romantic: My Stalking Experience

I have been toying with the idea of writing this post for a few weeks, ever since Netflix released YOU as a series and lots of women found the stalker Joe romantic or "hot". I'm not a big fan of sharing my personal life on my blog. I write about books, not myself, but since… Continue reading Why YOU isnt Romantic: My Stalking Experience

literature, Uncategorized

Why I Read Ghost Stories At Christmas

Now it is no secret that I read scary things all year around but when it comes to Christmas I just want one thing: ghost stories. Now I know it is a bit odd, images of ghosts really don't mesh with jolly old Saint Nick and Christmas trees, but is it really that strange? .....Historically… Continue reading Why I Read Ghost Stories At Christmas

alternative fashion, Uncategorized

The Alternative Girl Tag

Not book related but I saw this tag floating around Youtube and the blogging world and I thought it looked fun. I am not going to tag anyone in this so if anyone wants to give it a go feel free. 1. Describe your style Trad goth with a hint of Victorian. 80% of my… Continue reading The Alternative Girl Tag


On New Hair and Being Busy

I have sucked at two things this month: Reading and Blogging. The problem with running a book blog is that it gets a little difficult to blog when you havent really had time to read anything. So I thought I would make some time to sit and update you all on things while I enjoy… Continue reading On New Hair and Being Busy