
Why YOU isnt Romantic: My Stalking Experience

I have been toying with the idea of writing this post for a few weeks, ever since Netflix released YOU as a series and lots of women found the stalker Joe romantic or "hot". I'm not a big fan of sharing my personal life on my blog. I write about books, not myself, but since… Continue reading Why YOU isnt Romantic: My Stalking Experience


Book Blogger Social Media: Where to find Me

The internet is a strange place. When I started blogging I just thought my blog would be on my blog and that was it. I didn't plan for it to go everywhere online, but as this blog and other social medias have grown I have found more people asking for my Facebook, my Twitter, Tumblr,… Continue reading Book Blogger Social Media: Where to find Me


300 Followers Q&A: Body Parts, Favourites & Horror

We have finally hit 300 followers! You are all brilliant and thank you so much for putting up with me. So, because I hit 300, I am going to let you interrogate the crap out of me and answer all of the questions you sent me. I will give the people who asked questions a… Continue reading 300 Followers Q&A: Body Parts, Favourites & Horror


5 Reasons Why I Love Horror Novels

This post was inspired by a comment from Beware of the Reader   on my 5 Reasons Why I Blog post last week. She isn't a fan of horror but was interested in why I found it, not only enjoyable, but enjoyable enough to spend my time reading and reviewing horror novels. Yes, I also review… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why I Love Horror Novels


Anything but Books Tag

I saw this tag on Kiersten @ Once Upon a Spine's blog and it looked like a lot of fun so I decided to give it a go. Check out Kiersten's blog if you are not following her already. Her answers are pretty cool. NAME A CARTOON THAT YOU LOVE  Adventure Time! I usually don't… Continue reading Anything but Books Tag


Life Updates: Cats and Discount Skulls

I had a big list of book related post ideas but then I realised that I haven't just spoken to you guys in a while. So...Hi! Hows it going? Good? Good. So what have I been up to? Well I have some new skulls! Over  the last month or so I have been doing some… Continue reading Life Updates: Cats and Discount Skulls


The Blogger Behind the Blog

Bernadette AKA Spine Cracker An almost-30-something goth book blogger with a love of all things creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky and all together ooky. I am Irish and live in Belfast Northern Ireland. And yes, I know you want to go there on holiday one day. I get that comment at least once a week somewhere… Continue reading The Blogger Behind the Blog


Getting Social and About Me

It just occurred to me that in all my time running this blog, which is over a year, that I have never written a proper post introducing myself. If we are all going to be friends on this little blogiverse we should probably know each other a little better. First things first, my name is Bernadette,… Continue reading Getting Social and About Me